Harsh Tank

Harsh Tank

Harsh Tank

About the game

Harsh Tank is a game with many combat modes. Do you like to shoot enemies quickly? - there is a Shooter mode for you Do you like fast driving? - turn on the Ram and smash enemies in a frontal attack Or maybe you're a tactician on the contrary? - then try Miner mode Can't decide? - in normal mode, you can use both mines and shells in battle, the main thing is not to forget to replenish ammunition How about trying to hold out as long as possible by constantly strengthening your tank in survival mode? There are many modes at your disposal and how exactly you want to smash the enemy this time is up to you. If you can't complete a level in one mode, try another.Don't forget to pump your tank. fast or durable? or maybe you want to invest everything in shooting or mining? there are 60 different skills in front of you, your choice depends on what type of game you prefer.

How to play

At the beginning, shooting, building walls, setting mines or causing damage in a head-on collision are available to you, depending on the selected mode. For more damage during the ram, try to disperse the tank more. All actions in battle consume resources. You can get new shells or mines by collecting them from defeated opponents. Previously placed mines can be picked up and rearranged elsewhere. If you thoughtlessly waste all the shells, you will be helpless in front of the enemy. You can increase the starting ammunition by viewing the advertisement before the fight. Ammunition depots will often appear on the map, which you are obliged to protect. You can knock out an opponent standing next to a thin wall if you also drive up close to it, even if it is an indestructible wall. As you level up, 6 special abilities will become available to you that do not waste resources in battle. It is better to double the reward after the battle: there are not enough resources to upgrade all skills.