Edible or Inedible

Edible or Inedible

Edible or Inedible

About the game

There are so many different objects in the world around us! Toys, fruits, vegetables, sweets, clothes... Something edible, and something completely inedible! "Edible or Inedible" is a game in which you need to guess edible or inedible, but unlike the classic picture game, you will need to catch edible or inedible items with a supermarket cart. The game will be interesting not only for children, but also for adults: for children, the game will help to form the ability to classify and group objects, as well as develop qualities such as mindfulness, reaction and memory, and for adults, the game will help pass the time on the road or just distract themselves.

How to play

There are 24 levels in the game. At the first level you need to catch only edible items, at the second level - only inedible items. In subsequent levels, the task becomes more complicated: various exceptions are added, speed increases. The task of the game is to accumulate points and unlock new levels by passing the previous one. At the end of each level, you will have access to information in the form of a cash receipt about all items caught, the number of points scored, the time and date of passing the level. The game has a player rating. The more points, the higher the chance to be the leader of the rating. In the settings, if desired, you can turn off/on sounds and background music, and in the "customize" section you can choose the cart or basket you like. If you catch a coin, a field will appear around the cart. When the items fall into this field, the necessary ones are automatically attracted to the basket, and the unnecessary ones disappear. The bonus lasts for 10 seconds.