

About the game

With the coming night, the enemies wake up and want to capture you, your task is to fight off the round with the help of a Cupcake and other protective things! But with each round, new enemies will be added. In this game there are: - 4 protective items that are each unique. - Improvement (purchase) of protective items. -18 Different enemies. - Enemies exit from three positions (Left position, Top Position, Right position). - Waves are unlimited! Have A Nice Game!

How to play

At the bottom there are game statistics (Lives, Coins, Remaining enemies, a Round and a Button with things). - Life (Denoted by the heart): Initially you have 100 units of life. When an enemy touches your table, it takes your lives (Each enemy takes differently). When your lives drop to 0 you end the game. - Coins (Denoted by a coin): When destroying enemies, you are given coins that you can buy a protective thing for them or improve it. - Remaining enemies (Indicated by the enemy's head): Shows how many more enemies will need to be destroyed to advance to the next round. - Round (Indicated by a flag): Shows which round you are currently in. - Protective items can be placed wherever you want (Except for the walls of course)