Destructive Cars Race Generator

Destructive Cars Race Generator

Destructive Cars Race Generator

About the game

Drivers start your procedural generated race with destructible vehicles. PROCEDURAL TRACK GENERATOR Generate track in 1 tap, check out its length and mini map to decide if it's the right one REAL CRASH PHYSICS Simulated car-damage with sparks and smoke for a more realistic and destructive racing experience. Don't lose any tires! CUSTOMIZE RACE Set amount of laps, change AIs count and vehicles from motorcycles to huge trucks! CARS Choose one from vehicles of different kind RECORDS Even in procedural tracks you can set the same seed in generator and race against yourself! REAL SIMULATION Visually stunning 3D graphics and realistic physics.

How to play

After starting the game, enter the card SEED in the panel on the right, or generate a random one. There will also be a minimap so you can check out (is it too long for you, or maybe you like it bigger) the generated track. If you enter the same SEED, the same track will be generated - so you can compete with your friends. The game will also save your best time on this SEED. In the panel on the left, you can configure the number of circles, the number of bot opponents and the vehicles that are available to them (they are randomly selected from those that you left enabled). You can choose a car, but by default it's already the fastest, so just start the race! :) TRANSPORT CONTROLS: For PC. W - gas S - brake, reverse. A/D - steering (left/right). Shift - nitro. R - return to the track (to the last checkpoint). Escape (X2) - pause during the race. On mobile devices, control via the game interface.