Sniper Simulator 3D

Sniper Simulator 3D

Sniper Simulator 3D

About the game

Sniper Simulator 3D immerses you in a captivating world of precision and strategy. Take on the role of a skilled sniper armed with a formidable rifle, and embark on a mission to eliminate your targets. Set in a desert environment, this free online game provides ample opportunities to test and hone your shooting skills. Earn substantial rewards as you perfect your aim, allowing you to unlock an impressive array of new sniper rifles.

How to play

To play Sniper Simulator 3D, aim and shoot with precision to eliminate your targets. Stay focused and keep your sights steady. Find the perfect moment to take your shot when the target aligns with your crosshairs. Earn rewards and upgrade your sniper rifles to enhance your shooting abilities. Complete each level within the given time limit to test your skills to the fullest.