Leap Into Darkness

Leap Into Darkness

Leap Into Darkness

About the game

A single-player game in the Roguelike genre. The goal of the game is to get to the end and survive. You control a hero in randomly generated locations, look for new equipment and fight enemies. The game features a unique system of interaction of the elements: fire, earth, metal, water and wood. Each element reacts differently to other elements. Battles take place step by step with a share of strategy. You will have to carefully choose what to attack the enemy with in order to inflict maximum damage to him! By all the canons of Roguelike games, death is permanent. Only an experienced player will reach the end.

How to play

Click on the point where you want to move, and the character will go there himself. You have your items stored in your inventory - weapons and armor. All items have one of the five elements. Each element can deal double, half or normal damage to other elements. If you have a fire weapon, it will deal double damage to wood and water armor, half damage to metal and earth, and normal damage to fire armor. At any time in the pause menu, you can view the full interaction of the elements. The battle is taking turns. At the top you can always see whose move is now and whose will be next. When your turn comes, you have to choose which of the opponents you want to attack, and then which weapon you want to attack him with. Having chosen an opponent, you are shown cubes. The numbers in the corner are the chance of triggering the ability of your weapon. Click on the cube to start or stop it. If the value on the cube matches the value on your weapon, then this effect will work.