Color Portal

Color Portal

Color Portal

About the game

Welcome to the captivating world of puzzles and portals! Our exciting game offers a unique gameplay of maneuvering through colorful cubes, utilizing portals to choose the optimal route. In this thrilling puzzle, you will embark on a journey through numerous cubic worlds, where each cube serves as a portal to another cube of the same color. Your goal is to reach the exit in the fewest possible moves and teleport to the next level. Get ready for an exhilarating challenge and set forth on a journey through the realm of portals and puzzles! Showcase your skills and become a true master of strategy.

How to play

The player moves from their current position to the nearest cube, which, in turn, teleports the player to a cube of the same color. But be careful, as with each level, the complexity of the puzzles will increase, and you will need to demonstrate logic, strategy, and decision-making skills to reach the exit in the fewest possible moves.