Bouquet of Flowers

Bouquet of Flowers

Bouquet of Flowers

About the game

Train your mind in a beautiful puzzle Bouquet of Flowers! Your task is to create beautiful bouquets by combining flowers into groups of the same color. The more flowers in a group, the more points you get for collecting them.

How to play

⭐ To collect a bouquet, click on any flower in the group and hold until the cat puts them in a vase. ⭐ If you move a flower to an empty cell, then five sprouts will appear in its place, which will bloom in the next turn. ⭐ Try to swap flowers so that the clearing fills up more slowly. Such a move will add only three sprouts. In addition, for each group of flowers collected, three sprouts will also appear in the clearing. ⭐ Remember that the secret to great success lies in picking up big bouquets of flowers. Thus, you will not only enjoy their beauty, but also get much more points. Enjoy the magic that the game brings to your life! ⭐ If the clearing is full, the game will be over. 😯 ⭐ Collect 85 flowers to reach the next level! The flower that previously gave less points will be removed from the clearing, and a new flower will appear in its place, which costs the most! ⭐ Collect as many points as possible and become the best player on Yandex Games!