Nubik: Jumping on blocks

Two playersCasual
Nubik: Jumping on blocks

Nubik: Jumping on blocks

About the game

The gameplay consists of several stages: studying the map, finding the right color, removing blocks and moving on to the next round. In this game you need instant reaction to get to the right block in time. Enjoy several game modes, including survival, competition, and play with a friend. In survival mode, your goal will be to last as long as possible. In competition mode, you'll compete against a bot, trying to last longer than the bot. The longer you last, the better your chances of getting emeralds on the map, which you can collect and then spend to buy skins.

How to play

Controls for PC: Movement to the left - A / Left arrow Movement to the right - D / Right Arrow Jump - W / Top arrow Controls for mobile devices: Use the joystick to move