Word Context - Crossword

Word Context - Crossword

Word Context - Crossword

About the game

Solve crosswords by finding words that are contextually related to the main word. For example, if the main word is "BEACH", then the word "SEA" may be in the crossword puzzle, since both of these words are similar in context. However, the word "bed" is unlikely to be found in this crossword puzzle, since it does not refer to the meaning of either the beach or the sea.

How to play

1) Read the word on the screen 2) Enter on the keyboard a word that is similar in context. For example, for the word "KITCHEN" the word "FOOD" may be suitable 3) Use hints if you can't guess the word 4) Guess all the words If you are playing on a computer, then you can use the keyboard to type words. ESC - open/close settings Enter / Return - enter a word Enter/Space/Return - move to the next level after winning