Mermaid: Puzzle and Merge

Mermaid: Puzzle and Merge

Mermaid: Puzzle and Merge

About the game

50 different Mermaids 🧜‍♀️to Merge and discover. Or maybe there is even a secret one... 🤐 Multiple upgrades ⬆️ Mermaids and Islands and money your creatures bring to you🤑. Discover all the creatures 🤓 merge everything you see, get something better, merge what you received - and so on! Go take a break😴, be idle for a few hours ⌚️ THEY ARE STILL MAKING YOU MONEY 😲😲😲 Get in, merge some more, continue! Never stop 🤑 Catch that alien looking flying thing👾! Is it a dragon 🐉...or an alien👽?.. we are not sure, BUT YOU MUST CATCH THAT THING! 👻🦄🙏🏼 it has the goodies! 💎💎💎 Can you merge them too? 🤔 Do the daily quests 😊 and not so daily quests! 😅 Do all of them! 💪 MERGE Mermaids IDLER FEATURES: ✔️ Discover over 100 fantastic beings🥰, combine and interact in 100 challenges! ✔️ Upgrade your creatures and islands ✔️ Discover all kinds of Mermaids🧜‍♀️ ✔️ CATCH THAT THING 👾! or the 🦄! or 👻… 🤔🤔🤔whatever that thing is 😹 and get prizes

How to play

Buy new Mermaids -> Open Shells -> Connect identical mermaids to get new, more profitable ones! Send mermaids to swim so that they bring money!