All the scary sounds from Garten of Banban

All the scary sounds from Garten of Banban

All the scary sounds from Garten of Banban

About the game

Сreepy sounds from famous horror characters from Garten of Banban! The collection of scary sounds presented in the game includes the most famous and beloved monsters by many: Banban, Banbalina, Queen Bouncella, Captain Fiddles Stinger Flynn, Sheriff Toadster Kittysarus Jumbo Josh and many others! In the game you can find more than 50 scary sounds from all parts of the popular game Garten of Banban! Scare your friends or create a spooky story atmosphere with these sounds. Really good for Halloween. Don't scare yourself!

How to play

This is the usual collection of sounds for playback. Just choose any of the sounds in the menu and click on it.