Forest Horror

Forest Horror

Forest Horror

About the game

A true wilderness experience awaits you in Forest Horror. Plunge into the exciting world of dense and dark forests, where every day is a battle for survival. You have to collect wood and stones to create the necessary tools, like an ax and a pickaxe, that will help you survive in this difficult world. However, at night the forest becomes a dangerous place, full of terrible monsters ready to attack your hideout. Arm yourself with a sword and light a fire to scare away predators and stay safe. Can you survive in this harsh environment, learn to adapt to changing conditions, and save your life, or will you become the next victim of forest horrors? Your survival depends only on your skills and determination. The game has one endless level. Every day the enemies are getting stronger, so one day they will still defeat you. The only question is how long you can resist it.

How to play

Each game day is divided into two segments: day and night. During the day the forest is safe, you can collect resources, improve equipment and travel around the location. At night, monsters appear in the forest that you need to fight. Once you defeat all the monsters, the next day comes. The goal of the game is to survive as many days as possible while maintaining a fire and fighting enemies. If the fire goes out or the monsters defeat you, the game will be lost.