Numbers Master 2D

Numbers Master 2D

Numbers Master 2D

About the game

🔢 Collect the largest number and break down all the walls! The game is perfect for those who want to relax right now. 🎮 Control your number, navigating through multiple levels, avoid collisions with larger numbers, and absorb smaller ones to become even bigger and stronger. 🏆 Skillful evasion of obstacles and choosing the optimal route will allow you to reach the finish line and score the maximum number of points. ⏰ Time to test your agility and strategic thinking in this unique and exciting game! 🚀

How to play

🎯 Goal: Reach the finish line with the highest possible number. 🟢 Absorb numbers smaller than yours, highlighted in green. 🔴 Encounter a red number larger than yours? Lose your number and start over. 🌀 Avoid red twisters, cross bridges, and jump over ditches. 🏁 At the finish line, numerous walls await for you to demolish! 💥