Numbers 2.0

Numbers 2.0

Numbers 2.0

About the game

In the game "Numbers 2.0" you need to cross out pairs of numbers that have the same value or the sum of which is 10. To make it even more fun, there are two modes in the game: for logic, and for time! Destroying the numbers you get points for destroying the same 25 points, for the sum of 30 points. Will you be able to score the maximum number of points and become the first in the leaderboard?

How to play

- Click "Start the game" - Select the mode: for time, for logic * In time mode, you are given 25 seconds, but you can click any numbers * There is no time for logic in the mode, but only adjacent digits are destroyed - Cross out the same numbers, or giving 10 * Example: 1 and 1, 3 and 7, 4 and 4, 1 and 9, 8 and 8, 4 and 6, 2 and 2 - If you are at a dead end and can't find a pair, just click on the "Restart" button * The game will start over, but your result will be saved! The control is carried out with the mouse or by touching the screen for touch devices.