Vikings in the footsteps of pirates

Vikings in the footsteps of pirates

Vikings in the footsteps of pirates

About the game

An exciting adventure of three Vikings, three comrades who made a deal with pirates for the opportunity to get a treasure map. They face a difficult path and a lot of puzzles, which will be solved by the unique skills of each of them. Five ancient runes separate our heroes from the desired one. Our heroes will have to go through six different levels where these runes are hidden.

How to play

Each level is completed by all three characters. Each character performs his role: jumping, shooting or defending. When one of the heroes dies, the level starts from the beginning. You can complete the level without finding the rune, but for further play in the story you need to find and take out all five runes, one on the island. Progress is saved after completing each level. The passing time is summed up and sent to the leaderboard to determine the fastest and most resourceful player. Player selection - click on the player icons in the upper right corner or the numbers 1, 2, 3. There is a pause on the levels, it is located in the upper right corner, just click on it. Control on the phone: Intuitive. Movement is the button to the right/left. Elevator movement - up/down button. Computer management: Movement - arrow to the right/left or D/A. Elevator movement - up/down arrow or W/S. The individual ability of the hero is a gap. Interaction with levers/use the object - E.