Got where you need to! Anime girls for adults

Got where you need to! Anime girls for adults

Got where you need to! Anime girls for adults

About the game

Look at the beautiful girls and throw objects right on target and avoid collisions with other objects. Each throw creates a tense and fun atmosphere, adding dynamics to the gameplay. Levels and Records: Go through the levels, discovering new beautiful girls and improving your throwing skills. Set a personal best and beat it in the next exciting attempt. Elements of Uniqueness: The game offers unique elements: new items, the ability to collect candy to buy items and a lot of beautiful girls. Conclusion: Immerse yourself in an exciting world with beautiful girls! Here every throw is a chance to set a new record and feel the joy of victory!

How to play

Look at these beautiful girls, but don't lose your head! The game invites players to throw objects, striving for maximum accuracy, and inspires repeated attempts in order to set new records. Tap the screen to make a throw, but be careful, avoid collisions with other objects, otherwise you will have to start over.