Battle Of Soldiers

Battle Of Soldiers

Battle Of Soldiers

About the game

- The plot of the game takes place in a magical world where toy soldiers come to life and start fighting with each other. The game presents the mechanics of competition between players in the form of a leaderboard for the number of destroyed enemy soldiers. - This project has 3 battlefields: a room, a desert and snow map. Their differences are in the size and number of bases of soldiers.

How to play

- The goal of the game is simple: destroy all enemy bases. You play as a fighter of the green team, you need to fight with players from the red team. - But you need to keep in mind that the player has his own bases, which should not be destroyed. - If your character is destroyed, you lose. - Use the mechanics of selecting weapons, either look for secret places with weapons, or take ammunition from defeated soldiers: Your team is armed with assault rifles, the enemy, in addition to rifles, can take a shotgun, which causes tremendous damage at short range. -Controls: Movement: WASD, Jump: SPACE bar, Run: SHIFT, Crouch: CTRL, Recline: Z, Look out: Q/E, Time dilation: X, Pause: TAB, Drop weapon: G, Pick up weapon: F