Grow a meme: Original

Grow a meme: Original

Grow a meme: Original

About the game

In the game, you can customize your meme's face and change the interior of your room by purchasing wallpapers, floors, and decorations. When you step into the battle, you'll encounter various locations and up to ten players in a single battle. Gain experience and smiles that allow you to buy cooler weapons. By joining a clan, you can fight alongside your clanmates and participate in epic battles for territories, earning rare chests as rewards. Here's what awaits you in the game: - Real-time battles with other players - Clans - Friends and referral system - Map with houses, bases, and territories to fight for against other clans - Face editor - Shops for weapons, decorations, wallpapers, food, and pets - Loot boxes - Seasonal events - Top players leaderboard And much more!

How to play

From the very first entry into the game, you'll be prompted to come up with a unique nickname for your meme. The next step involves editing the face, where you need to choose the eyes and optionally other facial features. After that, head to the kitchen and eat food from the fridge to refill energy. Once your energy is restored, you can enter battle by pressing the «Fight» button. In a battle against other memes, you need to wait for your turn and deliver a blow. To do this, pay attention to the running scale above the meme, as it determines the strength with which the blow will be dealt.