Naruto: Test Your Knowledge

Naruto: Test Your Knowledge

Naruto: Test Your Knowledge

About the game

Welcome to the exciting Naruto anime universe quiz game! Showcase your knowledge of beloved characters and events in the Naruto world through a series of captivating modes. Climb up the ranks by unlocking new levels of difficulty and questions, becoming a true Naruto expert. Embark on a thrilling journey from Chunin level to Hokage level! In the 'Guess by Silhouette' mode, challenge yourself by guessing characters based on their silhouettes, testing your ability to recognize Naruto heroes even from fragmentary outlines. Test your skills in the 'Guess by Photo' mode, where parts of character photos will be shown, requiring you to guess who is depicted. Finally, the 'Question Answers' mode will present you with a wide range of questions about the plot, characters, techniques, and events, where your in-depth knowledge of the Naruto world will be the key to victory. Are you ready to become the ultimate Naruto expert? Let's find out!

How to play

Answer the questions correctly and earn your personal title. You can select answers by pressing buttons. Losing occurs after three incorrect answers.