Hurry up and open it!

Hurry up and open it!

Hurry up and open it!

About the game

Hurry up and open it! - this is a case-opening clicker. You need to add coins to buy the coolest cases for them. There are only knives in one of them... Come in soon and try your luck, you'll get a blue weapon or maybe you'll get a bunch of red ones and even knives! It's all random and there is no pattern, knock out the weapon for the coins that you have called. Make the clicker passive by buying an autoclicker and you don't even have to click, just improve your clicker. Hurry up and grab your luck by the tail!

How to play

There is a clicker tab and cases - Click on the target and coins will be credited to your balance. - Spend coins on improving the clicker and buying cases. - When buying cases or upgrades, coins are taken away.