Protect the Ball

Protect the Ball

Protect the Ball

About the game

An exciting arcade where ball defense becomes a thrilling cosmic adventure! A unique blend of classic arcade elements and gravitational challenges. The game aims to inspire adrenaline enthusiasts and those aspiring to reach new heights. Features: Diverse enemies: Encounter unique enemies, each with its own style and tactics. Gravitational challenges: Feel the force of gravity influencing obstacles, adding dynamism to the game. Goals and tasks: Accomplish various goals, protect the ball from obstacles, and reach new skill levels. Numerous levels: Immerse yourself in an engaging space journey through multiple levels, each offering its challenges and rewards. Challenge your friends and other players, competing for top ranks. Get ready for a cosmic adventure, defending your ball and reaching new horizons!

How to play

Defend your ball, rising higher and higher. Goals and Defeat: Rise upward: The main goal is to reach the maximum height, overcoming obstacles, destroying enemies, and collecting coins. Coin collection: The higher you go, the more coins you can collect, unlocking access to new abilities and upgrades. Use coins to upgrade the speed of score and coin accumulation, shield strength, and size. Use diamonds to buy temporary enhancements: extra life, increased coin collection coefficient. Defeat: Collision with obstacles or enemies hitting the ball leads to defeat. Controls: Finger or mouse control: Move your finger/mouse to control a powerful shield, deflecting obstacles and enemies. The shield is also used to collect coins.