Memory: Emojis

Memory: Emojis

Memory: Emojis

About the game

In this game, you have to find matching emojis by opening up cells. There are different levels like "Animals", "Food", etc. You can also choose how big the grid is. It's like a "Memory" game, but with emojis. It'll help pass the time while you're waiting in lines or just for fun.

How to play

Select a level and click on the cells to reveal the emojis. Pay attention to the time limit: if it runs out, you will fail. If you manage to reveal all the matched pairs, you will complete the level. At the end of each round, hints may be provided to help you complete the level faster. There are three types of hints: - Eyes - reveals the playing field for a few seconds - Hourglass - restores the timer - Index finger - highlights a matched pair of emojis