Only 1% of people see these figures

Only 1% of people see these figures

Only 1% of people see these figures

About the game

Viewing stereo pictures is a kind of physical education for the eyes, which means it can help with myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism without impairing vision. Ophthalmologists recommend that people with myopia look at stereo images without glasses or lenses. In addition to bringing healing effects to the health of the eyes, stereo pictures help to relax, immerse yourself in your own thoughts, which leads to a state similar to a meditative one, since they: -affect the conscious and subconscious mind; -affect brain activity; -they help to come to the necessary decision, choice; -contribute to the development of concentration.

How to play

There are just 2 ways to see them: 1. Cross-view 2. Behind the wall With a cross-gaze, when you achieve defocusing of vision by reducing your eyes to the bridge of your nose, we see a reduced image between the screen and the eyes, the encoded image is depressed. How to achieve a look "beyond the wall"? Look at the image, select some fragment and look for a long time until the eyes themselves become unfocused. It may not work out the first time. Circle the shape that appears and you're done!