I'm on Observation Duty

I'm on Observation Duty

I'm on Observation Duty

About the game

Immerse yourself in an atmosphere of tense anticipation and paranormal events in this unique horror-survival game. Watch the surveillance cameras and identify anomalies before terrifying things go too far! Experience the tension of needing to react quickly and eliminate threats before the fateful 6 am. Can you withstand this trial? Don't let the anomaly limit be exceeded and hold out until dawn. Closely monitor the surveillance cameras, react to the slightest deviations, and eliminate any anomalies detected. Miss more than three, and the game will be lost. Time is ticking, and anomalies are multiplying - can you stand up against the paranormal nightmare until the sun rises?

How to play

Your task in this game is to monitor what's happening in the apartment and detect various anomalies. Strange events may occur in the apartment, such as objects moving, doors opening, shadows appearing, or intruding objects. If you notice anything unusual, take immediate action! To eliminate an anomaly, open the "Report Anomaly" window. In this window, select the room where the anomaly was detected, and then indicate the type of anomaly from the provided list. After you report the anomaly, it will be eliminated. However, be vigilant! If you miss more than three anomalies, you will lose. Your mission is to hold out until 6 am, not allowing too many violations. Watch the surveillance cameras carefully, react quickly to any deviations from the norm, and eliminate anomalies promptly. Only then can you successfully accomplish your task as an observer! Game Controls: All interaction with the game is done with the mouse.