Pixel adventure: actions

Pixel adventure: actions

Pixel adventure: actions

About the game

"Pixel adventure: actions" is a puzzle platformer where you have to perform a limited number of actions to overcome obstacles and complete the level. Jump, dash, switch lasers, change gravity and teleport to the exit. "Pixel adventure: actions" cleverly combines platforming and puzzles to create a unique experience. Don't forget to share it with your friends and see who can beat the game the fastest!

How to play

What to do? The goal of the game is to reach the portal through a certain set of actions! You can also select actions if it is provided by the level. Desktop management💻: Move — A and D or left and right arrows. Perform an action — space Restart the level — R Management on mobile devices📱: Moving is the left side of the screen Perform an action -right side of the screen Reload the level using the interface buttons What do the actions in the game do? 🟢 Green arrow up - jump 🟡 Yellow double - sided arrow - dash 🔵 Blue double - sided arrow - change the direction of gravity 🔴 Red double arrow - teleportation to the top 🔴 Laser - switch the state of the lasers at the level