Code Quest

Code Quest

Code Quest

About the game

The player makes attempts, and the computer reports how many digits are guessed in their places - green and how many digits are guessed, but not in their places - red. The goal of the game is to guess the number in the minimum number of moves. Advantages of the single version: - Convenience: The game is available at any time, without the need to look for a partner. - Intellectual Development: Develops logical thinking and analytical skills. - Adaptability: Ability to choose the level of difficulty. Try your hand at this fun game and solve the numbers using your wits and intuition!

How to play

- Guess a number: Choose a four-digit number in which all the digits are different. This will be your enigmatic number. - Try to guess: Enter a guessed number. The computer will tell you how many digits are guessed in their places (in green) and how many digits are guessed but not in their places (in red). Analyze the information: Use the hints you get to narrow down your options. Keep trying until you guess the number. Objective: Guess the number in the minimum number of moves.