Protecting Noob from the Mirror Portal

Protecting Noob from the Mirror Portal

Protecting Noob from the Mirror Portal

About the game

In the game "Protecting Noob from the Mirror Portal", a portal leading to the mirror world has appeared. You need to help Nubik close the portal as quickly as possible and prevent monsters from taking over the house from it. With each new appearance of monsters, there will be more and more of them. The more clicks you make, the faster you will defeat the mirror world. By clicking on the house, you will earn diamonds. Use them to recruit mobs that will defend the house and destroy the portal. Each mob has its price listed above it. You can also spend diamonds on upgrades to get even more diamonds and fight monsters more effectively.

How to play

Click on the house and get diamonds. Use diamonds to level up by tapping on the button with the image of a hand to earn more diamonds. Don't forget that mirror mobs appear from the portal. Use diamonds by tapping on images of mobs to make them protect you. Also watch your health, if it goes down to the end, then you will lose.