The Witch of the Forest

The Witch of the Forest

The Witch of the Forest

About the game

A visual novel about a young witch with magical abilities who lives in a lonely house in the forest, collects various herbs to prepare medicinal decoctions for the residents of the city next door. The narrative is linear, full of beautiful images and landscapes. The type of novel is kinetic.

How to play

The goal is to get acquainted with all the scenes and read the entire text part of the story in order to immerse yourself in the magical atmosphere of the novel. To start the game, click the "Start" button. The "<" sign inside the circle means to flip the novel backwards, the ">" sign means forward, the house sign means the main menu, the "↓" sign resting in a square bracket means to save the passage on this scene and dialogue, the "↑" sign means to load the saved passage. The main menu is "Start", "Continue" and "Download".