Wall breaker: path of power

Wall breaker: path of power

Wall breaker: path of power

About the game

In this game, you’ll need to train constantly to reach new heights. Break walls, buy new gloves, acquire pets, level up, and much more. Become a true hero and complete the path of the great master!

How to play

The main goal of the game is to reach the end and be reborn. Aim for the top spot in terms of the number of rebirths. When you are reborn, you lose all your progress, but you gain permanent bonuses. The more rebirths you achieve, the easier it becomes to complete the game. To trigger a rebirth, you’ll need to pass through 8 different locations. You can enhance your character by purchasing gloves, gadgets, and pets. To train, you must hit the punching bag. Breaking walls also has a chance of yielding diamonds, which are necessary for character development.