


About the game

Fighter-Assault is an on-rails arcade shooter with procedurally generated levels. In the desert area where the game takes place, there is an acute shortage of resources - and a struggle is unfolding between two paramilitary factions for them. The player, in the role of a pilot of a light multi-role aircraft, must make a combat mission, hitting the maximum number of targets and returning to base. The player will face stationary and mobile anti-aircraft guns, airships and fighters that will try to prevent him from hitting supply and fuel depots, which are priority targets.

How to play

The player's task is to hit all targets during a combat mission and avoid the aircraft being hit by anti-aircraft artillery and enemy aircraft. The cursor is controlled by the mouse or keyboard (arrows or WASD) on a PC and by swiping on mobile devices. Shooting is done with the left mouse button (or Ctrl or Spacebar) on a PC and by clicking on the crosshair button on the left side of the screen on mobile devices.