Feed the popcat

Feed the popcat

Feed the popcat

About the game

The main goal of the game 📈: Your goal is to feed the cat with fresh fish and prevent it from eating bones. 🐟 Food delivery 👈👉: Click on the screen to move the food. 🖱️ Do not give the cat gnawed fish, but feed it with fresh fish. 🐟 Running bugs 🐜: Little running bugs periodically appear on the screen and interfere with directing the food. 🐝 Competition with other players 🏆: Compete with each other for the highest score. 🎯 Points are awarded for each piece of fresh fish eaten by the cat. 🌟 Leaderboard 📊: Your results are compared with other players around the world. You can see how many points other players have scored and strive to become the best feeder for the cat! 🌍 This game allows you to have fun trying to feed the cat only with healthy food and avoid junk, while little bugs add an element of surprise and challenge. 🐱🍀

How to play

Your goal is to feed the cat with as much fish as possible, for each one you get 1 point. Clicks on the screen push all objects away from the click location. If the fish doesn't fall into the cat's mouth, you lose 1 point. If the cat eats fish bones, you lose the game.