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    CGI Animated Short Film: "Watermelon A Cautionary Tale" by Kefei Li & Connie Qin He | CGMeetup - 2 minutes, 57 seconds - Go to channel - CGMeetup - 167M views - 5 years ago - play video
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    CGI Animated Short Film: "Mind Games" by Jiaqi Emily Yan | CGMeetup - 2 minutes, 14 seconds - Go to channel - CGMeetup - 105M views - 5 years ago - play video
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    CGI 3D Animated Short: "Game Changer" - by Aviv Mano + Ringling | TheCGBros - 2 minutes, 41 seconds - Go to channel - TheCGBros - 73K views - 6 years ago - play video
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    CGI 3D Animation Short Film HD "Paint" by The Animation School | CGMeetup - 3 minutes, 11 seconds - Go to channel - CGMeetup - 7.1M views - 8 years ago - play video
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    🏆CGI 3D Animated Short Film🏆: "Dia De Los Muertos" - by Team Whoo Kazoo + Ringling | TheCGBros - 3 minutes, 8 seconds - Go to channel - TheCGBros - 75M views - 11 years ago - play video
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    CGI Animated Short Film: "Rose" by Emily Kimes | CGMeetup - 2 minutes, 59 seconds - Go to channel - CGMeetup - 4M views - 4 years ago - play video
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    Drawn to You - Animated Short Film - 4 minutes, 35 seconds - Go to channel - Drawn To You Film - 11M views - 4 years ago - play video
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    CGI 3D Animated Short Film "Indice 50 Animated" by ESMA | CGMeetup - 5 minutes, 52 seconds - Go to channel - CGMeetup - 57M views - 6 years ago - play video

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