Zombie Farm

Zombie Farm

Zombie Farm

About the game

Save the village and its inhabitants from the ZOMBIE virus-0. Collect three keys with a magic card, then open the barn door and take the vaccine. Well, after that, the most dangerous part of your mission is to vaccinate infected chickens

How to play

Before the game, visit the “HISTORY” and “CONTROL BUTTONS” sections . Here you will learn about the control buttons (which you can also look at during the game by pressing pause (F9)) and find a hint – where to look for a vaccine. If you can't find the key on the ground, try looking on the roof of a house or barn. If the key is hidden somewhere in the grass, and you can't see it - jump up and the key will show its secret hiding place. Do not forget to replenish your strength – eat cabbage, which you can find in the village on the beds.