Guess the 100 best anime

Guess the 100 best anime

Guess the 100 best anime

About the game

If you are sure that you know anime well, then try taking this test, which consists of a selection of hundreds of the most highly rated and interesting anime series around the world! You'll also likely be able to find something new to watch the next evening. Well, if you answer all the questions correctly, you will once again prove to everyone your erudition in this topic! The test contains 100 questions, after each answer you will find out where this or that anime ranks in the world rankings!

How to play

As the game progresses, you will be shown a picture with an excerpt from the anime series and given three answers, only one of which is correct! You will also have two margins for error, and after the third you will have to start the game from the very beginning, so be careful. You can always take a hint! The game contains saves, so you don't have to go through everything at once!