Driver Garage Mission

Driver Garage Mission

Driver Garage Mission

About the game

The main mission in the game is an exam in which the player needs to prove his skills to infiltrate the gang. You can play with friends for speed and beat each other's records. The mission takes place in the garage, the player is given one minute to complete, during this time you need to complete a list of tasks: burnout — a sharp start from the spot by pressing the gas pedal "to the floor"; handbrake — use the handbrake; slalom — drive a snake between four columns; speed — accelerate the car to maximum speed; brake test — to slow down, accelerating to the maximum speed; 360° — perform a 360-degree turn in any way; 180° — perform a U—turn moving forward with the gas clamped; reverse 180° - perform a U-turn, from reverse; lap — drive one lap around all the columns in the garage;

How to play

The goal of the game: Complete all the tasks in the upper right corner in one minute and beat the records of other players. The loss occurs when you damage your car 4 times or the time runs out. Keyboard control: W - Gas A - Left D - Right S - Brake / Reverse gear Space - Handbrake R - Restart Q - Exit the menu Android Management: Buttons on the screen: Left, right, brake, gas, handbrake.