War Zone: Against Everyone

War Zone: Against Everyone

War Zone: Against Everyone

About the game

You fight against everyone in every man for himself mode! Earn on your superiority, buy and upgrade new guns. Use different tactics and advantages to be the best!

How to play

Destroy enemies to go to the fighters table and earn in-game currency. The one who wins is the one who first collects the required number of points. You can also pick up dropped supplies from enemies and receive rewards for it. Earned game currency and progress are saved after summing up and ending the game. [W, A, S, D] - Move. Mouse - Rotate switch. Space - Jump. [Shift] - Run. Left mouse button - Shoot. Right mouse button - Aim. [1, 2, 3] \ Mouse wheel - Change weapons. [R] - Reload. [F] - Strike with a knife (melee). [G] - Throw a grenade. [TAB] - Pause.