Idle Bus Empire Tycoon

Idle Bus Empire Tycoon

Idle Bus Empire Tycoon

About the game

Develop your bus empire by unlocking all bus departure points and their routes! Acquire new premises for your business, earn reputation points, and increase the trust level of your visitors! Boost visitor traffic and start maximizing profits with every ticket sold! The main game genre is Idle Tycoon. Over an extended period, you will manage your own business - the Bus Empire. Earn profits from serving visitors and reinvest them in your business. Complete daily and regular tasks, receive valuable rewards, and increase the trust level of your visitors! As your business evolves, new departure points and routes will become available! Invest your funds wisely and maximize profits from each visitor! All of this will help you develop a large and profitable business!

How to play

The initial tutorial will introduce you to the core mechanics of the game: acquiring premises, departure points, and routes! To acquire or upgrade a premise, you should tap on the area where the premise is located. In the opened window, information about the cost will appear, along with a button for acquisition. If the premise is already acquired, a content management window for that premise will appear. To improve the content of the selected premise, choose the desired content and press the "Upgrade" button. Access to managing all key game mechanics is available from the main screen. For example, to increase the visitor level, go to the section with all visitors and select the desired visitor. In the opened window, you can increase the basic visitor level or enhance the trust level of the visitor!