


About the game

Do you want to throw likes down the stairs? What about Omega Nuggets? Then this is the place for you! This simulator is based on modern YouTube and TikTok trends, where a variety of things are thrown down the stairs.

How to play

Click on the item you want to throw. The cost and multiplier of the item are indicated next to it. Money is periodically credited to your account. They can also be obtained by throwing an item. Almost every item has its own accrual multiplier (yellow numbers). After the roll, a random number from 1 to 25 will appear and the item's multiplier will be added. Click on the lightning button on the left to push the object. This button can be pressed once every 3 seconds. Click on the button on the right to throw this object again. Each time the object appears in a random position on the top step of the stairs. When the object touches the lava at the very end, two buttons will appear. The button on the left is to go back to the selection menu. The button on the right is to throw the same object again.