Color catapult: in the right color

Color catapult: in the right color

Color catapult: in the right color

About the game

Launch your strategic and target skill in an exciting puzzle game where precision and color perception play a key role. Similar to classic precision and color matching games, this game stands out for its unique catapult mechanics and a wide range of levels, each of which offers new challenges and opportunities for mastery. The game is ideal for both puzzle lovers and those who are looking for entertainment that promotes the development of skills. With hundreds of levels and dynamic gameplay, every player will find something for themselves here.

How to play

In this game, your main task is to correctly launch colored balls at targets of the appropriate color. To do this, use an input device (mouse or touchscreen) to pull and guide the catapult. Victory is achieved when all the targets on the level are successfully hit. The game ends in a loss if you fail to complete the task. The controls are simple and intuitive, making the game accessible to all levels of players.