Consumer Needs And Motivation

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    Mod-06 Lec-13 Consumer Needs and Motivation, Emotions and Mood, Consumer Involvement Consumer Behaviour by Dr Sangeeta Sahney Department of Management IIT Kharagpur For more details on NPTEL visit nptel iitm ac inConsumer Needs And Motivation.
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    Mod-06 Lec-14 Consumer Needs and Motivation, Emotions and Mood, Consumer Involvement (Contd.) Consumer Behaviour by Dr Sangeeta Sahney Department of Management IIT Kharagpur For more details on NPTEL visit nptel iitm ac inEmotions And Mood.
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    Mod-06 Lec-15 Consumer Needs and Motivation, Emotions and Mood, Consumer Involvement (Contd. ) Consumer Behaviour by Dr Sangeeta Sahney Department of Management IIT Kharagpur For more details on NPTEL visit nptel iitm ac inConsumer Involvement Contd.
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