Crash Course Astronomy

  • black holes
    Black Holes: Crash Course Astronomy #33 We ve covered a lot of incredible stuff but this week we re talking about the weirdest objects in space BLACK HOLES Stellar mass black holes form when a very massive star dies and its core collapses...Black Hole Celestial Object Category.
  • low mass stars
    Low Mass Stars: Crash Course Astronomy #29 Today we are talking about the life and death of stars Low mass stars live a long time fusing all their hydrogen into helium over a trillion years More massive stars like the Sun live shorter lives...Low Mass Star.
  • naked eye observations
    Naked Eye Observations: Crash Course Astronomy #2 Today on Crash Course Astronomy Phil invites you to head outside and take a look at all the incredible things you can see with your naked eye Check out the Crash Course Astronomy solar system poster...Crash Course Astronomy.
  • neutron stars
    Neutron Stars: Crash Course Astronomy #32 In the aftermath of an 8 20 solar mass star s demise we find a weird little object known as a neutron star Neutron stars are incredibly dense spin rapidly and have very strong magnetic fields Some of...Astronomy Field Of Study.
  • the oort cloud
    The Oort Cloud: Crash Course Astronomy #22 Now that we re done with the planets asteroid belt and comets we re heading to the outskirts of the solar system Out past Neptune are vast reservoirs of icy bodies that can become comets if they get...Kuiper Belt Trans Neptunian Region.
  • light
    Light: Crash Course Astronomy #24 In order to understand how we study the universe we need to talk a little bit about light Light is a form of energy Its wavelength tells us its energy and color Spectroscopy allows us to analyze...Phil Plait Academic.

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