Optimization Based Algorithms

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    Mod-01 Lec-11 Optimization based algorithms Manufacturing Systems Management by Prof G Srinivasan Department of Management IITmadras For more details on NPTEL visit nptel iitm ac inOptimization Based Algorithms.
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    The Knapsack Problem & Genetic Algorithms - Computerphile Tournament selection roulette selection mutation crossover all processes used in genetic algorithms Dr Alex Turner explains using the Knapsack Problem facebook com computerphile twitter com computer...University Of Nottingham.
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    Query Processing and Optimization/1:Processing To access the translated content 1 The translated content of this course is available in regional languages For details please visit nptel ac in translation The video course content can be accessed...Query Processing And Optimization 1processing.
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    Algorithms Course - Graph Theory Tutorial from a Google Engineer This full course provides a complete introduction to Graph Theory algorithms in computer science Knowledge of how to create and design excellent algorithms is an essential skill required in becoming...Algorithms For Beginners.
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    Mod-01 Lec-21 Classical optimization techniques : Single variable optimization Optimization by Prof A Goswami Dr Debjani Chakraborty Department of Mathematics IIT Kharagpur For more details on NPTEL visit nptel ac inClassical Optimization Techniques Single Variable Optimization.
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    Mod-04 Lec-17 Introdcution to Optimization Mathematical Methods in Engineering and Science by Dr Bhaskar Dasgupta Department of Mechanical Engineering IIT Kanpur For more details on NPTEL visit nptel ac inIntrodcution To Optimization.

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